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2 Month Old Kitten What to Feed

What does a 2 month old kitten eat? What diet for a 2 month old kitten? How to feed a 2 month old kitten? If you are asking yourself these questions, it is because you have understood that the diet you are going to give your 2 month old kitten is vital for her good health and for her development.

And even if your 2 month old kitten is not fussy and would swallow everything that passes… this is no reason to give her anything to eat!

In fact, if you want your little feline to have a healthy development, full of energy and vigor, it will be necessary to feed them in a healthy and balanced way. Now remains to understand what is meant by healthy and balanced diet ? To find out, we'll cover the following points:

  • At 2 months, is a kitten weaned?
  • What type of food for a 2 month old kitten: milk, pâtés, BARF, homemade food or croquettes?
  • How to feed a 2 month old kitten?
  • How Much Food to Give a 2 Month Old Kitten?
  • How many times to feed a 2 month old kitten during the day?

At 2 months is a kitten weaned?

Weaning or stopping breastfeeding or replacement milk is normally done when the kitten is around 6 weeks old. The kitten then switches from a 100% milk diet to a more solid diet (mash, mousses, croquettes…). If the kitten stays with its mother, weaning can be done gradually over several weeks. But if it is separated from its mother, the kitten quickly switches to a 100% solid diet. Therefore, at 2 months, a kitten is normally weaned.

If your kitten is still drinking milk at 2 months It should be replaced gradually its milk with kibbles and in this way wean your 2 month old kitten. A 2 month old kitten is usually ready for gradual weaning. If your 2 month old kitten had difficulty chewing dry kibble, you should moisten them with a little hot water to be able to soften them slightly. See as well : At what age does a kitten drink water?

What diet for a 2 month old kitten?

A 2 month old kitten is in full growth and therefore has fairly high needs in energy, calcium, proteins, vitamins… Thus, it is recommended to start feeding his kitten with solid food.

But what to choose between croquettes, pâtés, homemade food or BARF?

BARF food for 2 month old kittens?

The BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) diet consists of feeding a cat with food mainly consisting of raw meat and accompanied by rice, pasta and starches or vegetables. Cats being carnivorous animals, meat, according to feline professionals, would be the most suitable diet for their body, their physique but also their behavioral balance.

The BARF program recommends a daily ration of 40 to 50 grams per kilogram of the cat's weight depending on its activity level. For example, for a young cat weighing 4 kg, the daily ration turns out to be 200 grams while the daily amount for an older, more cushy cat is only going to be 250 g. Meals can be divided into three times during the day.

More for 2 month old kittens, I advise you to prefer a diet with croquettes because itThis type of diet turns out to be rather complex to adapt to the needs of a 2 month old kitten. Indeed, the nutritional balance is difficult to calculate in the menus that you are going to make. Furthermore food at BARF is quite expensive and takes a long time to prepare.

Household food for 2 month old kittens?

The principle ofhomemade food consists of concocting meals for your kitten made up of products or leftovers from your own diet (fish, vegetables, meat, etc.). However, there are proportions to respect and products not to give… See my article: Feed a cat naturally? et Foods prohibited for cats

Perhaps even more than feeding at BARF, household feeding is complicated to organize and balance the needs of a 2 month old kitten. Indeed, if you opt for this type of food, it will be necessary to know how to give the menus with the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, vitamins, minerals… and especially the right amount daily. This is why you will have to weigh each ingredient and cook them in an optimized way to preserve all the nutritional qualities.

Finally, note that if you have accustomed your 2 month old kitten to eat exclusively household food, on the day when you will not be able to feed it in this way, if you give it kibble, it will not tolerate them ... if you had to have him babysat during the holidays or leave him in boarding for several days ...

For all these reasons, I think a kibble diet is better for a 2 month old kitten. This is what veterinarians advise!

Best diet for 2 month old kitten?

Because, generally, we do not have a lot of available time or desire to cook complete meals (meat, vegetables, cereals, etc.) for your 2 month old kitten every day, the kibbles are perfect because there is no Just measure the portion and pour into the kibble dispenser and that's it for the day (or more)!

Feeding your 2-month-old kitten with kibble allows you to respect the perfect nutritional balance but also the amount appropriate to her needs.

In addition, this type of food is the best guarantee for your 2 month old kitten of the sanitary quality (no germs or bacteria).

Finally, the croquettes are convenient because they are easy to store and keep very well. In addition, it is undoubtedly the most economical food of all!

Which kibble for 2 month old kittens?

To be sure to choose good quality kibble, the most adapted to the needs of your 2 month old kitten, it is recommended to favor the veterinary brands or the mentioned Premium kibbles.

Note that many vets recommend starting to feed a kitten with the es HPM Baby Veterinary Virbac dry food.

In fact, these kibbles are designed to be suitable for kittens from weaning up to the age of 12 months. They are a nutritional contribution low in carbohydrates and rich in proteins in order to best meet the needs of developing kittens.

The kitten has high energy, protein and mineral needs, and presents digestive and immune immaturity. As a result, Baby Pré Neutered Cat kibbles provide it with all the nutrients it needs for harmonious growth: support for natural defenses and high digestive tolerance.

See price on Amazon

Kitten dry food 2 months Virbac

Here is another recommended brand for 2 month old kittens:

See price on Amazon

How many times to feed a 2 month old kitten?

2 month old kittens love and need to eat many times in a day. They have a tiny stomach but a big appetite!

If you choose a kibble diet, you can feed your 2 month old kitten at will. You will have to prepare for your kitten the daily amount recommended on the kibble packaging according to its weight and age and pour it into a kibble dispenser for the entire day. Do not forget to also leave him fresh water available for the whole day.

Monitor your kitten's weight gain

Generally, at birth kittens weigh between 90 and 120 grams. If they are properly nourished and healthy, they should gain about 100 grams per week.

Thus, a 2 month old kitten should weigh between 850 and 950 grams. If this is not the case, it is recommended to see with your veterinarian.

You don't know how to take care of your kitten: Caring for a 2 month old kitten

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